Go to the url linked above, and buy that T-Shirt. You'll add to the already $120,000 raised in about a week for hurricane victims.
To all those that have already donated, you rock. I'm sometimes a bit jaded, but seeing people pull together to help restores my faith in humanity. Thanks.
I bought one the day the update was put on bungie.net.
I just wanted to say thank you for reading the bungie forums and replying to some of the conserns of bungie's users.
so many companies do not bother doing that, and I really appreciate knowing that you guys aren't just another giant money churning machine.
Kudos and sorry for all of the bullets and garbage you guys have to catch.
Thanks to all who did, or at least donated in some capacity (even if not thru our efforts).
Why settle for boring clothes? Hypercolor shirts are back! Call 1-800-924-0305 for details on how to get these free.
Thank you!
[url=http://jfogfhrl.com/gikx/pxnr.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://cxbxmiik.com/gvbf/ogpp.html]Cool site[/url]
Thank you!
My homepage | Please visit
Thank you!
http://jfogfhrl.com/gikx/pxnr.html | http://mdetibbr.com/utdf/revz.html
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