Saturday, March 29, 2008

It is snowing...

This is just a late breaking update. It is the 29th of March. And it is snowing. Hard. There are several inches on the ground where I live (a little east of Redmond).

I thought the season of entertainment watching people attempt to drive up an icy hill next to my house was over. I was incorrect. This should be fun to watch.


Dan (tehviruss) said...

It's snowing/hailing/sun-shining in Portland, Oregon too. Crazy weather lately.

Anonymous said...

Does it look anything like this?

Idiots in the snow

Anonymous said...

I took a two hour drive up to Mountain High Resort in Cali for some snowboarding. It was pretty cool. Other than that, I'm never around snow.. especially in San Diego, nothing but nice weather for the most part.. hehe.

Anonymous said...

I just got a foot of snow just this very morning where I'm at. ;)

Anonymous said...

Posted by: Achronos
"This should be fun to watch."

Ya, until they crash and their vehicule goes up in flames.

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