Wednesday, July 06, 2005

So it turns out I can be lazy

So, I sort of changed my mind. For now, I'm just going to leave this journal here and keep posting to it it as I think of things. Meanwhile, if you guys want to send me interesting stuff, I've set up a gmail account at that is only used for this blog. Please understand that I reserve the right to publish any comments you send there to here... including making fun of you. :)


Anonymous said...

you are what many people would refer to as a complete dipshit.

Achronos said...

Many people? Who exactly? Are they people like you? And if so, why should I care what people like you think of me?

Anonymous said...

Aaaw it's so nice to see you're loved Achronos :)

Don't worry. i like you, and i'll be sending an artical soon.

Anonymous said...

I think he is pissed off cause of halo 2. I liked halo 2, (MP only) i thought it was fun, and much better then halo (MP Only). Whats up with these halo 1 freaks? PISTELS is what made halo not that much fun in mp. Me and my bro always said no pistels cause it was so easy to kill with them. I won turnies all the time with them. Now halo is a lil bit of a challange! Of course, becuase i support Bungie and Achronos, i guess i am a dipshit to eh?